Boarding Contracts for Dogs

When it comes to owning a dog, one important aspect to consider is boarding your dog when you are unable to care for them. Whether you are going on vacation or have a job that requires you to travel frequently, it’s essential to have a boarding place for your furry friend that meets their needs. However, before entrusting your dog to a boarding facility, it’s crucial to have a boarding contract in place.

A boarding contract is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of your dog`s boarding stay. It’s a binding agreement between you and the boarding facility that ensures your dog`s safety and well-being while you are away. Here are some of the elements that should be included in a boarding contract:

1. Dates of the boarding stay: The contract should clearly state the dates when your dog will be staying at the facility. Ensure that the dates are correct, and you will be able to collect your dog on the agreed date.

2. Fees: The contract should also include the fees for the boarding stay. Make sure to clarify what’s included in the fee, such as food, exercise, and grooming services.

3. Vaccinations: Ensure that the contract outlines the specific vaccinations that your dog must have to stay at the facility. This is important to ensure that your dog is healthy and protected from diseases.

4. Emergency Contact: The boarding facility should have your emergency contact details in case of an emergency. This includes your phone number, email, and address.

5. Medical Treatment: The contract should clearly state the procedures to follow if your dog needs medical attention, including the veterinarian to be contacted and how they will be billed.

6. Liability: Both parties should agree on how liability will be handled. The contract should clarify who will be responsible for any injuries or damages caused by your dog.

7. Pet’s Information: Ensure the contract includes your pet’s name, age, breed, and any special instructions for their care. This is to ensure that the facility has all the information necessary to provide the best possible care for your dog.

In summary, a boarding contract is a crucial document that outlines the responsibilities of both parties. It ensures that your dog is well taken care of while you are away, giving you the peace of mind that your furry friend is in good hands. Therefore, before boarding your dog, ensure that you have a boarding contract in place to protect both yourself and your pet.